Or, “When Zap2It Disappoints”.
I’ve been frustrated by Windows 7 Media Center not finding listings for the broadcast stations in my zip code. I have an antenna and Comcast cable, and would like to be able to record from both. When I program Media Center with my zip code, the broadcast listings show 3 channels (out of approximately 40).
A friend told me that he switched over to Indianapolis’ zip code and was able to get broadcast listings. I tried that, but then my cable company wasn’t offered. And it takes at least 10 minutes to switch zip codes and see what happens.
I finally realized that I could go to zap2it.com (the provider of TV listings to Microsoft), try different zip codes, and try to find one that has broadcast and Comcast listings. I found the zip code map at maps.huge.info/zip.htm and tried 46060 first. It works! I finally have listings for all of the channels that I care about.