Category Archives: books

Books I’ve read and recommend

Free Audio Book and Podcast Downloads

I love to listen to audio books and podcasts while I’m driving, mowing, washing the dishes, or doing anything else that doesn’t require much mental energy.

PickTheBrain has a list of sources for free audio material.

I use iTunes to find most of the podcasts that I listen to. Lately I’ve been listening to:

  • Buzz Out Loud from CNET
  • DTS Chapel
  • FLOSS Weekly
  • Gmail Podcast
  • MacBreak Weekly
  • NPR: Car Talk
  • NPR: Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me
  • Nuclearity
  • Security Now!
  • Stand to Reason
  • Steve Brown, etc.
  • This Week in Tech
  • Windows Weekly
  • World Vision Report

Another good book: The Number

I learned about The Number: A Completely Different Way to Think About the Rest of Your Life by Lee Eisenberg at The Simple Dollar. Trent, the author of The Simple Dollar, is reviewing a personal finance book every week.

The Number refers to the amount of money that you need to have stashed away at retirement to live the way that you want to. But this book isn’t about how to calculate the Number, it’s about thinking about what you want from the rest of your life. What will you do? What are you living for? Until you answer those questions, you can’t figure out how much it might cost.

The Number is a great book for everyone–people who obsess over their Number, and people in denial regarding savings for retirement.

Great book: The Blind Side

I had a great time reading The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game, by Michael Lewis. I’m not even much of a sports fan, but this is a gripping book.

It’s a combination of “history of football strategy” (how the left tackle came to be so important), and “gripping personal story” (how Michael Oher went from the streets of Memphis to a rich private school to Ole Miss, where he’s a sophomore).

Nothing like my usual fare of mysteries or tech books, but I couldn’t put down this one.